


Over 120 contractors trained in Birmingham


Over 120 contractors attended the training prepared by ATLAS representatives in cooperation with our new Birmingham partner – Ant Building Supplies. It is a record attendance in history of our trainings in the UK.

This trainings assures as that the UK market shows huge opportunities, but also needs for high quality modern building materials – says Michał Gosławski, Atlas Foreign Markets Manager. We have been present in the UK for the last 7 years, but still want to develop our net of distribution. Ant Building Supplies is a great example that energetic team supported by Atlas experience and support can be successful in very short time.

The training focused on the external thermal insulation systems mainly, as currently it is a hot topic in Great Britain, where governmental grants for EWI are being introduced. The full range of systems and products in details was presented with special attention to the most common installation mistakes and effects following them paid. Although many contractors had experience with Atlas materials from their former projects in Central Europe, they were surprised how easy it was to make a mistake and how easy it was to eliminate the ones.

We treat cooperation with Atlas extremely seriously, as we want to have in our portfolio products of the most recognised Polish manufacturer. We have started with external insulation materials, but in the nearest future we want to extend our offer with waterproofing systems, adhesives for tiles, grouts and screeds to meet expectations of any contractor – says Łukasz Hołownia, the owner of Ant Building Supplies.

The May/June training seems not to be the only one this year at Ant Building Supplies, we have already confirmed next meeting in Birmingham for September 2014. Details about this training will be listed on much in advance.