


Golden Building Brand of the Year for ATLAS

atlas_nagroda_budowlana_marka_roku_2016_a89fcad5On 23 June 2016 the annual awards Buidling Brand of the Year and Champion 2016 were announced. Among the plebiscite laureates, chosen on the basis of questionnaires delivered to contractors, was also ATLAS. Our company was granted the most important title – Golden Building Brand of the Year!

For the 12th time ASM – Market Research and Analysis Centre – announced the results of the contractors survey and listed the brands characterised by the best quality and price-quality ratio. Among several honored companies, ATLAS was awarded with the most important title – Golden Building Brand of the Year in the Open category, and with Golden Building Brand of the Year as the Brand Friendly to Professionals as well.

We are proud, that we have been awarded with the Golden Brand of the Year again. We are extremely happy to see that contractors appreciate ATLAS efforts and place high value on the highest quality of products delivered by us for over 25 years – says Jacek Michalak, the Vice-President of the Board for Development.

The Building Brand of the Year rank is the one and only Polish annual research project of such wide range showing results based on actual market indicators. It allows to list the brands which are the most appreciated and trusted by the contractors. Owing to the classification resulting from the country-wide survey analysis, the Building Brand of the Year rank is unique, independent and highly reliable.  

We kindly thank you for your trust!