In April our line of gel adhesives GEOFLEX grows as two new products offering outstanding properties are introduced - ULTRA GEOFLEX C2TE S1 and GEOFLEX WHITE C2TE.
Packaging – may seem a small thing, but what a change here! Since mid-April, some of Atlas products are available in new packaging – foil bags. Foil bag offer lots…
We kindly inform that ATLAS has become the member of CPD Providers Network of Royal Institute of British Architects. RIBA is an organisation uniting the British architects promoting modern construction…
On 23 June 2016 the annual awards Buidling Brand of the Year and Champion 2016 were announced. Among the plebiscite laureates, chosen on the basis of questionnaires delivered to contractors,…
Gel revolution has just started. After long detailed validation conducted in cooperation with 100 experienced contractors ATLAS introduces completely new highly flexible adhesive for tiles - ATLAS GEOFLEX.
25 years ago, in 1991, Grzegorz Grzelak, Andrzej Walczak and Stanisław Ciupiński formally registered the company manufacturing adhesive for tiles called ATLAS.
On 20 November 2015, i n Grodno, Belarus, Tajfun solemnly opened its new processing plant. The modern and highly automatised 80-metre-long processing line was installed in the hall of over…
This September "Gazeta Wyborcza", one of the most popular Polish dailies, announced the companies awarded with the "Wiosło Biznesu 2015" ["Business Oar 2015'] prizes. The Jury chosen ATLAS as the…
Our company has been awarded for the tenth time in a row with the Golden Building Brand of the Year title. We have been also given the silver distinctions for…
The IMB Award for the most creative and innovative implementation of Social Business in Poland was given to the ATLAS Group. The award was received during the "IBM Social Business…
This autumn was extremely important and busy time for ATLAS. An audit of Łódź Customs Chamber ended the process of assessment of ATLAS quality procedures and brought ATLAS the Certificate…